Join Us

Become a Member

The Armstrong Spallumcheen Trails Society is a local voice for the outdoor community. Memberships, grants, sponsorships and donations support ASTS’s efforts on behalf of hiking and trails. No organization survives without active, devoted and energetic members. When it comes to the outdoors in the Armstrong Spallumcheen area: that’s you!

Society membership benefits:

Involvement in decision making on trail development, trail improvement and maintenance
Participation in activities with like-minded people
Fresh air, exercise and companionship with good company
Nature interpretation and other outdoor information

Our fees (paid annually) are: Single: $10 Family: $25 Under 19 years old: Free.

Click Here to request a membership form


From time to time, when projects come up, we will invite certain businesses to help us with a Sponsorship.  


We are looking for variety of volunteers.  Send us your skills or passion and we’ll find you a role in our society.

Do any of these interest you?

  • Trail maintenance (brushing, clearing)
  • Construction projects (kiosk, signage, walkways)
  • Social media coordinator

We are also looking for a leader to spearhead a sub-committee for a dog park or a dog-designated area within Armstrong – Spallumcheen Area.

Other downloadable forms

Group Trip Waiver
Trail Work Waiver